Self-Transcendent Perspectives

Intentional communities are built on the idea that creating a supportive, sustainable community is possible. While the technical aspects of building a community can easily be learned, it is often more challenging to create a communal spirit and develop an ethos that guides the group. This is where self-transcendent perspectives come in; these are ideas and concepts that help people move beyond themselves to create something unique for the benefit of all.

Exploring Self-Transcendent Concepts

One of the most influential thinkers on self-transcendence was Maslow, who argued that people who succeed in self-actualizing become motivated by what he called self-transcendence to help others self-actualize so they can self-transcend. In other words, those who have achieved their own personal goals can go beyond themselves and use their newfound knowledge to help others reach their own goals. This concept of helping others reach their potential is key to creating intentional communities because it promotes collective growth within the group.

How To Identify Self-Transcendence In Others

Self-transcendence can be difficult to identify in others since it is not always easy to recognize when someone has moved beyond themselves and is now helping others reach their potential. However, there are certain signs which suggest someone has moved into a state of self-transcendence; these include increased empathy, openness, and generosity. Someone who exhibits these qualities can be an invaluable asset in an intentional community since they can provide valuable guidance and support for other members, as well as demonstrate how being part of a collective can lead to personal growth.

What To Look Out For When Building An Intentional Community

When building an intentional community it’s important not to get too caught up in the “what” instead of focusing on the “why” behind your project. Without understanding your underlying motivations you may struggle with achieving success with your project. Additionally, it’s important to consider the individual and collective needs of all members so that everyone can benefit from the experience.

Finding Kindred Spirits

One of the best ways to find kindred spirits is by networking with other groups in the intentional community space, such as the Ecovillage Network and Auroville who have provided support for numerous intentional community projects around the world. Additionally, it can be helpful to find leaders who think about what you’re doing in the same way you think about it, such as Paolo Lugari from Gaviotas or David Holmgren from permaculture. Finally, look out for red flags which indicate that someone may not be ready or suitable for your project; these include a lack of experience or a reluctance to explore new ideas.

Bringing It All Together

Self-transcendent perspectives can help create an intentional community that is both powerful and resilient. By understanding why we are doing something instead of just focusing on what we want to achieve, we gain insight into our motivations and can use this knowledge to make better decisions about how and what to build so that our infrastructure is well suited for our situation. Additionally, it is important to find the right balance between individual and collective needs so that everyone feels included and supported in their community. Finally, networking with others who have similar goals can help provide support and guidance as you embark on your project. With self-transcendent perspectives at its core, an intentional community has the potential to thrive and create something truly unique for its members.